Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hot, Young and Bold - Somalia's New Artists

They have taken the Somali music industry by storm. Young cool and gorgeous artists who asserted themselves in a market dominated long by older generations who were riding aging fans who still clang to their epic yester years before the devastating civil war. But that was then. Now came  into the arena young and bold artists in their first 3 decades, in the comfort of new homes in the west and with new technology available. The sing about war, peace but always LOVE! They sing singly in duos and in groups. In styles ranging from hip hop to classical to pop to even jazz. You name it!

Once such duo is the incredibly attractive Farxiya and Dalmar in their new bold 'Dhunksho' or 'Kissing' song that introduced to the Somali industry an intimacy that was shied from before. Here it is. Enjoy!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Somalis Jubilate at their Girls Basketball Team

Somalis were jubilant as their girls team brought hope that Somalia is back into the fold of nations by marching to the Somali national anthem and raising their country flag high.

The Somalis in the stadium in Qatar where Somalia was for the first time participating in the Pan-Arab Women's Basketball tournament went wild.

 But our girls were still not done as come next day they routed the host country and later Kuwait to end up at the 4th in the overall rating of the 21 nation competition. Given the civil war in Somalia, the zero resources for the Somalian teams and that they had to play against and won over some of the richest nations in the world was in itself another win. But for Somalis the most satisfying the most rewarding win was the participation, the glory of seeing the white starred blue flag and jumping to their feet every time our girls scored. Not only in Qatar but Somalis from Mogadishu to Beletweyn Bosasos to Hargeisa to Baidoa to Kismayo to Jabuti to Moscow to Nairobe to Jeddah to Sydney to Kuala Lampur to Istanbul to London to Seatle to Toronto to Dadab to Ceelasha Biyaha and in between  were all praise and hope as this seemed a good omen that the name Somali from now on will be normal and not synonymous with pirates, civil war and failed states.

They literally put Somalis into a chest beating  frenzy and returned some of the pride of yester years. What is more satisfying is how the international media picked the story and from CNN to VOA to BBC yo Russia 24 to Fox all picked the theme of a nation in trouble and war getting a sort of satisfaction and showing sign of recovery.

Scrolling, dribbling, jumping, shooting and scoring were those angelic Somali stars some of whose photos are on this page:

Khadija, Khadra, Qamar, Xamdi, Maryan, Yurub, Manal and Nicmo and the others and management team.

To you ladies we say we love you for coming from Somalia, Canada, USA, UK and other places, standing for our country and giving us moments of glory.

Thank you on behalf of every Somalia. God bless you.